I am terribly bad at taking “behind the scenes” pictures. I guess I am so caught up in the task that I just forget to take photos…
But luckily sometimes somebody else takes those photos, and it is so fun to look at afterwards.
This week Diana Lovring and I, did styling and photo together with the company byHerskind for one of their customers. I will tell you more about the customer and show the pictures soon. Today I thought it might be fun to show some of the “behind the scenes” pictures Cathrine from byHerskind took on the day.
So this is how it looks when we style and shoot pictures. I can reveal that we make a terrible mess, and I guess you also can sense that from the pictures 😉
But luckily it’s what’s in front of the camera that counts, and the result turned out just fine. All the hard work payed off and we made a lot of beautiful pictures that day. We are happy and the customer are happy – the best combination there is!
This is me, in case you wondered 😉 And I am NOT in the final picture… And in the picture below you see Diana in action with here camera.

I am so much looking forward to show you some of the final pictures, and I think a can do so sometime next week. So stay tuned 😉
Have a fabulous weekend!